Photo wallpaper
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Ceiling height 270 cm
Ceiling height 380 cm
Walls don't always have to be painted white or in one colour. The return of wallpaper opens up a whole world of creative design options. You can use individual lengths of wallpaper to add highlights to a room. If that is not enough, you can print your own photos and designs on wallpaper. Just order your own personalized photo wallpaper. Custom photo wallpapers bring a special atmosphere to rooms. Revamp the reception area of your company or store by printing your corporate logo or photo on wallpaper to create a head-turning visual experience. Photo wallpaper allows you to transform any space into an inspiring environment whether in the office, at trade shows or at home. Custom wallpaper is also a quick and stylish décor solution in restaurants, hotels or retail shops to create an attractive environment for customers.
Printing photo wallpaper at Onlineprinters is easy. First choose a design and the size of your photo wallpaper, then upload the artwork and order the desired number of lengths in our shop. We use Erfurt nonwoven wallpaper for all our photo wallpapers. They are non-fading, dimensionally stable and bridge cracks. Create an individual style with digitally printed custom wallpaper. We offer photo wallpaper for room heights of 270 and 380 cm. The custom size specification option enables you to print oversize photo wallpaper. You can easily create an impressive décor also for very high ceilings and large rooms up to 4 m by 6 m. Unlike photo canvas, photo wallpaper can be used to decorate an entire wall to create an impression of seamlessness. To achieve best results, the wall should be smooth, clean and dust-free. Our standard wallpaper sizes are available as a self-adhesive and an unpasted option. The self-adhesive photo wallpaper has a smooth surface that is stuck on the wall which should be treated with a special primer first for optimum adherence. The unpasted wallpaper has a subtle texture that does not require an additional primer to be applied to the wall.
Get creative and print personalised photo wallpaper. If you choose the right design, photo wallpapers can make rooms appear bigger or smaller. You can print photos of your products on wallpaper, but other designs will probably create more impact. Use visuals that set the right tone and mood and make the observer want to stay or dream. Pristine beaches, atmospheric woods or architectural shots are popular wallpaper subjects. Photo wallpaper is also a great way to magnify small items or details. Depending on which ambience you want to create with your photo wallpaper, you should prefer bright and friendly photos that put the observer in a good mood. Bring life to dull spaces by printing graphics or patterns in different colours and create your own unique designer wallpaper. No matter which design you choose, your custom printed wallpaper will wow everyone who enters.
Design tip for corporate anniversaries: Display your company's history on photo wallpaper in the reception area or in halls to impress customers and employees.