Artwork information Sticky notes, Portrait, 5.0 x 7.2 cm, 4/0
- Data format (incl. 2 mm bleed): 5,4 x 7,6 cm
- Trimmed size: 5 x 7,2 cm
- Resolution: 300 dpi
- Include a surrounding trim of 2 mm, important information should be at least 4 mm from the edge of the final format size
- Fonts must be completely imbedded or converted to curves
- colour mode: CMYK, FOGRA52 (PSO uncoated v3 FOGRA52) for uncoated paper
- We will not check for spelling and/or typographical errors
- We will not check for overprint settings
- Comments will be deleted and not printed
- Form field content will be printed
Product details
- Four-colour print on the front, reverse blank (4/0)
- self-adhesive, easy to remove without residue
- adhesive/glue strip: at the top
Safety and manufacturer details
Made in Germany by PDP GmbH
Im Reil 4
55262 Ingelheim
E-mail: pdp-gmbh@outlook.com