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Tools & Fonts

Calligraphy font as swinging download fonts

The art of calligraphy is still in vogue. We introduce you to sweeping calligraphy fonts that you may use commercially.

“The Lord of the Ring” fonts straight from ...

"The Lord of the Rings" font is as well-known as Tolkien's books and the spectacular film adaptations. Read on to learn how to use these fonts and what other fonts Middle-earth has...

Ways to convert a PDF to JPG

We show you different ways to convert your PDF to JPG – with and without Adobe Acrobat, computer screenshot functions and helpful online tools.

Free Valentine's Day fonts

Use matching fonts to highlight your offering in style on the day of hearts. Spread love on Valentine's Day with matching fonts.

Serif fonts: useful background knowledge and free fonts

Serif fonts often exude a touch of nostalgia, but they can also create a very modern impression. There are free fonts to match every style. We have rounded up the best options for ...

Metallica font: download heavy metal fonts

The iconic Metallica font is recognised immediately and no longer hyped just by fans. We show you how and where to create your own logo that rocks.

Harry Potter typeface – download magical fonts

A lot of fans would die to get their hands on the "real" Harry Potter font. Unfortunately, it is not available but the internet provides a number of adequate alternatives which will be presented in this article.

Ten hot and free Google script fonts

Looking for free cursive fonts? Then take a look at our roundup. We have put together ten hot Google script fonts for you.

Lorem ipsum dummy text: text generators and alternatives

Lorem ipsum is the number one among dummy texts. Read on to learn how to create placeholder text using text generators.

The basics of font size

Online as well as offline sources frequently recommend using a "minimum font size of 6 pt" and similar suggestions. But such specifications are often useless and confusing. What really matters